At the university I attend, the fall quarter is coming to a close and everyone is rushing to finish last minute loose ends before going on a
much needed holiday break. I know I could use one about now! It's been fun, and definitely a ride this term. I think mainly it's been
eye-opening in the realm of collegiate politics, and
fun teaching great students. While I find the politics amusing and irritating perhaps, I keep reminding myself
why I am here. Why I got into this in the first place. I really have a passion for people and
I love teaching dance and Pilates. I also want to finish strong, I want to bring something to the table in my field of research:
Black Ballet History and Injury Prevention. I want to make my presence known and for it to leave an impact. I want to move forward with a new and improved ability to teach and learn. And that is what I am on my way to doing.
With that in mind, I am
teaching three courses this Winter! Yes, that's right 3 classes-just like a full-time professor. I am teaching large classes of Ballet I, II, and
Body Efficiency- a course I single handedly designed specifically for dance majors
to improve their knowledge of cross training practices using Pilates and other modalities within a personal training format. Yeah, that's a mouthful! Take a look at the flyer. I hope people enjoy this course!